Longfellow Quote

Longfellow Quote

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Left Bank Writer's Retreat 2017

A third trip to Paris feels like going home, especially when you go to meet friends you seldom see, but fall into accord with like no time has passed at all. Especially when you spend evenings together playing petanque and eating cheese and charcuterie plates on the sidewalk. And especially when your sister and brother-in-law have come as well, celebrating life and monumental birthdays.

The Left Bank Writer's Retreat this year had a completely different feel - most of us were return retreat members - and the activities were changed enough to make us feel like we were expats of our own, exploring inspiration and talking our way through Hemingway's cafes.

One of the greatest experiences was performing in a play in the Luxembourg Gardens. The play, Finding Sylvia Beach, was written by one of our group, and I was honored to have a role!